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晶达光电股份有限公司 - Litemax Electronics


Litemax Intros Pico-ITX board APIX Series are Designed for Industrial and Embedded Application

Nov. 5, 2020, Taipei- Litemax, a leading industrial computing solution provider, announced PICO-ITX series products. The solid 2.5" Pico-ITX Boards are compact Embedded Boards in the size of 100x72mm, it creates and fulfills various space-constrained applications.  And small footprint doesn’t necessarily sacrifice expandability, the 2.5" PICO-ITX boards have low power consumption, support multiple I/O and an extended temperature depending on the equipment variant.   
Small Board can be Big Things
Industry 4.0 is rapidly transforming infrastructure requirements. As a consequence, there is an increasing demand for space-constraint applications, such as those based on a Pico-ITX form factor. The compact design, plus the basic embedded feature set, makes our Pico-ITX highly versatile. Thanks to their low power consumption with a TDP of between 6 and 12 Watt, our single-chip Pico-ITX solutions are particularly well suited for passively cooled and enclosed systems that can be used without any concerns in harsh environments.  Typical applications include control of large machines with decentralized, distributed intelligence, robotics, all types of intelligent measurement and analysis devices, and high-performance IoT computers with low power consumption.
The APIX compact PICO-ITX board is capable of powering a range of Intel® MovidiusTM VPU to bring the AI and Edge Computing for industrial and embedded application such as smart factory, smart retail, and smart city.
The low power, compact APIX Pico-ITX board series are now available for purchase. More information can be found at www.litemax.com

Main Feature:
  • Size optimized footprint
  • Ready-to-use embedded platforms
  • Reliable and rugged design
  • I/O functions expansible by add-on cards
  • Long term availability (10+ years)
  • Lowest levels of power consumption 

About Litemax
Based in Taiwan, Litemax is a leading manufacturer of high-brightness LCDs, sunlight-readable LCDs, resizing LCDs, bar-LCD displays, embedded computers, industrial automation, industrial motherboards, network security appliances, digital video-surveillance systems, and panel PCs. Its applications include transportation, digital signage, factory and machine automation, environment and facility monitoring, and medical/healthcare.

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