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晶达光电股份有限公司 - Litemax Electronics




  • Intel® 智能显示模组


  • Intel® Smart Kiosk Module

    The new Intel® Smart Kiosk Module (Intel® SKM) is a revolutionary solution that makes it easier to scale and maintain interactive kiosks, which are increasingly being used by businesses and governments worldwide to offer customers around-the-clock access to information and services.As the market for interactive kiosks increases, so does the demand for smarter multi-function kiosks with advanced capabilities such as workload consolidation, artificial intelligence, smartphone and social media integration, 5G connectivity, telepresence, remote manageability, and data analytics.

  • AI边缘运算

    Litemax发展AI边缘运算的嵌入式人工智慧应用平台,以满足客户端垂直市场应用以及各式需求和解决操作环境的多变挑战。针对AI人工智慧运算、电脑视觉、深度学习、边缘运算等需求日增, Litemax发布一系列的Intel Edge Computing 以及NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™的无风扇电脑有效率的提升无风扇系统的散热效能, 在各种场域应用都能平稳地提供强力的运算效能,支援高度AI人工智慧运算晶片, 可为多种应用场景提供解决方案平台,达到整合软、硬体, 以建立更灵活与更佳的垂直功能,可简化客户端投入AI人工智慧系统整合所需的人力。

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